Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Blog #158

I go to McDonald’s every morning.  You know that.  This past Sunday (or should it be this passed Sunday), I was the only customer in the building.  That was truly spooky and disturbingly ominous!  The staff was there, just no customers.  But never fear, Limerick Oyster is still open for business.  The NBA is cancelled, as are the NHL, March Madness, the Masters and Spring Training.  Most universities are closed for the semester.  You’ll have no sports to watch and nowhere to go, but I’ll be here every Thursday to entertain you.  You should really print the blog out on your computer.  Then you can use it for toilet paper!

I’ve given up shaking hands, not because of the virus, but because everybody is out of toilet paper.  I heard the best way to protect yourself from the virus was to paint your face green and get drunk.  Or was that just St. Patrick’s Day?  Faith and begorrah!

My grandson is thinking of going to Mexico for Spring Break.  I told him travelling might not be such a great idea, but he showed me a travel brochure from the Mexican Oficina de Turismo.  It said:  Come to Beautiful Mexico.  The weather is fine and you don’t have to worry about the corona virus.  It’s not even in the top ten ways you can die in Mexico.

All of that was my attempt to make you smile during a very trying and frightening time.  We elderly people are all hunkering down and staying shut up.  One thing I know for sure, there are three old people who I wish would be shut up:  Bernie, Joe and Trump.  I know you’re all as stressed out as a fat person’s pall bearer, and I hope you don’t think I’m being insensitive, but I realize you are reading and hearing a bunch of gloom and doom all week long and I’m hoping Limerick Oyster can serve as a little oasis of cheer and humor.

I have a friend and loyal reader named Kitty, who lives in Mexico.  Sorry about the cheap Mexico joke, Kitty, but I bet it gave you una risa.  

And speaking of Kitty, Carol and I have adopted a cat – a three-legged cat, salt and pepper, 9-months old.  He shakes a little when he walks, so we’re naming him Shakespeare.  Carol does not love cats, but she is being a very good and considerate wife, so I gave her the right to choose the name.  I have a very clever family and they came up with several possible names for a three-legged cat -- Wobble, Teeter, Tipper,, I-Lean, Tripod, IHOP, Trip, Trey -- but Shakespeare it is. 

I realize that the main character in my favorite book was missing a leg and we should have named the cat Ahab, but Shakespeare has turned out to be the perfect name.  He’s romeo-ing around all the time and behaving like a little ham-let.

Hi there and welcome back.  I hope you’re feeling calm.  I’m glad you survived St. Patrick’s Day and the Ides of March.  At least you have Spring to look forward to.  It’s only a few days away.  I can’t wait to get back to my job at the Zoo.  I missed a lot of time last year because of my hip, but this year, I’m fit as a crotchety old fiddle and ready to greet the tourists and answer all their questions.  Where’s the tiger?  Where’s the bathroom?  Where’s the Starbucks?  They just have to get their Starbucks!

A tall mocha latte – decaf
And throw in some mint for a laugh
Oh Hell, make me happy
And make it a frappe
With extra low-fat Half ‘n Half.

Remember when it was a Cup-a-Joe and cost 30 cents?  Now, their prices are so high I think the name should be changed to Star Ten Bucks.

One thing I don’t like at the Zoo is that I’m forced to watch the large number of obese tourists.  I suppose “obese” is an insensitive term.  Maybe we should just call them easier to see.  It’s remarkable! (Which is why I just remarked on it.)  You’d think some of these people were auditioning for a spot in the elephant exhibit.  You might suppose that everyone would respond to the problem of obesity in the same way, but that’s not necessarily true.  A Liberal responds by calling for new legislation requiring food producers to limit the calories in their products while simultaneously making sure that all retail establishments accommodate obese people under the Americans with Disabilities Act.  A Conservative responds by buying Baskin-Robbins stock.  Do you own any stock?  That’s another thing you can use for toilet paper.

Are you still with me?  I’m maundering* a bit.  Let’s do a movie review.

ROTTEN OYSTERS:  The movie Yesterday was a silly movie with a ridiculous premise, but it did have two good things going for it.  First, it had a lot of nostalgically delightful Beatles music sung in a refreshing way, and second, it had Lily James who is as cute as a three-legged cat.  Even so, skip it.

WEEKLY WORD:  To maunder is to talk in a rambling manner.  I guess I did that a lot today, but I have nothing else to do.  Since I have written the above, everything has closed.  The Zoo, where I volunteer, has closed.  All the libraries have closed.  And McDonald’s is now threatening to close their in-store dining, if you can call McDonald’s dining.  I have nothing else to do but write to you.  Aren’t you lucky?

My friend and loyal reader, Robert, told me my blog was like a weekly dose of medicine for him.  I liked that, but if the Oyster is going to be your medicine, I’m obligated to give you certain warnings:  Do not read Limerick Oyster if you are allergic to giggling.  Side effects may include drowsiness.  But before you nod off, stay well, wash your hands, elbow bump and don’t panic.  We’ll all get through this together.  Oh yes, and count your blessings.  One of my blessings is that I know you’ll all come back for another dose of medicine next week.  Don’t let me down.

Michael                                             Send comments to:

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