Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Blog #139

I think we need to change the world.  Men seem to be useless.  We can’t dress.  We’re always lost.  Every decision we make is wrong (at least that’s what Carol tells me).  Let’s turn the World over to women.  If we do, we won’t need the UN or NATO any more, just the A Group and the B Group.  And there wouldn’t be any more wars.  Women don’t make war.  It would just be: “I’m not calling France.  I called last time and she didn’t call back.  It’s her turn to call.  Oh, and there was a tsunami in Sri Lanka?  Send a tray.”

Those men never know what they’re do-N
They totally messed up the U-N
To deal with Iran
We don’t need a man
They’re not good for much except screw-N.

Congratulations to Conan, the Belgian Malinois military working dog that aided in the recent US operation that killed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the head of ISIS.  Conan is going to be a guest at the White House.  But wait, Nancy Pe-Lassie has accused the doggie hero of Collie-usion with a Russian Wolfhound and is asking for an Im-pooch-ment inquiry.  What a crazy world we live in!

“Actress and political activist Jane Fonda said on Friday that she’s not purchasing any more clothes as a way to fight climate change.”  Yup, that was in the news this week.  There was a time when I would have been excited to hear Jane didn’t have any clothes.  Not so much anymore.  But I kind of like the thought process.  No more new clothes.  And let’s stop using cars and airplanes.  Oh, and turn your electricity off and your cellphones.  And building houses wastes wood and that kills trees and trees clean the air and yadda, yadda.  We should all just move into caves and live in the dark and smoke pot.  And then we can call that progress!  Thanks, Jane. 

Jane, whose real name is Lady Jayne Seymore Fonda, is worth $200 million.  So yes, Jane, you can skip buying another Armani blouse and call that political activism.  Or, maybe, you could sell all your stuff and give $200 each to a million homeless people so they could buy a coat for the winter.  Then you can move into your cave with no electricity and be happy.

Do you know what the word gobbledygook means?  It’s the language spoken by employees of your cable company.  I don’t have to describe my experience – you’ve all had the same thing happen to you.  I’ll give you some highlights:

·        I wanted to get rid of my land line.  You can’t because you’re on a plan.
·        Then I want a new plan.  You’re plan expires November 19th.  Call back then.
·        Can I call on the 18th?  No, because you’ll still be on the plan and we can’t offer you a new plan if you’re still on an old one.
·        Can I call on the 20th?  No, because on the 20th you will automatically be charged for another month.

It’s like being pecked to death by a duck!  No Ottoman pasha could devise a system so sinister and convoluted. 

Hi there and welcome to November.  I hope you are warm and healthy and not hungry.  If you are, you won’t be after you listen to this.  Have you heard of Feet Loaf?  It was a popular main dish at Halloween parties this year and consisted of cooked meatloaf molded into the shape and size of a human foot, complete with sliced onions or radishes for toenails.  I would not make this up.  Google it, if you dare.  It’s revolting!  Is that what we have come to?  Dinner made to look like human body parts?  I mean, what are they going to do with Rump Roast?  I can see a whole meal composed of Toe-mato soup, macaro-knee and cheese, with chocolate-hip cookies for dessert.  We could serve it all with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

Two of my students belong to a local mosque that had an open house this week.  I went.  They had exhibits of Moslem dress and Moslem food from various countries.  I tried an egg souffle from Yemen, tea from Morocco and a cupcake from Walmart.  And I listened to a half-hour explanation of what Islam is all about.  Winston Churchill said, “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”  So I took off my shoes, sat down and listened.  Couldn’t hurt.

This morning I went to my storage closet that holds the few remaining books that I own, and I picked up a book I had read before, in 1986.  I still consider it the scariest book I have ever read.  By the time I got to page 8, I felt perfectly at home in the warm, capable, familiar and frightening clutches of Stephen King.  The book is It, and I swear to you, constant readers, that for the next 1,138 pages, I will leave the lights on.

Constant reader is what Stephen King calls us, his loyal fans, in his introductions.
Well I have my own readers and they often send me comments.  I got one this morning from one of my lady readers, who was describing something she did.  She ended with the question, “Does that make me your craziest groupie?”  Groupie?  I have groupies?  That could be the most exciting thing I’ve ever heard in my life – next to Carol saying I do and the doctor saying It’s a girl, It’s a girl and It’s a girl.  Suddenly I feel like a rock star.  Later today, I ran into a friend who looked glum.  What’s the matter, I asked?  I have shingles, he said.  Really, I said, that’s too bad.  I have groupies.

Well, that’s it, little Groupies (I just love that).  I’m finished, but I’ll be back next week.  You don’t have to do anything.  I’ll have my people call your people.  Unless you’ve moved into a cave with Jane.  Until then, stay well, count your blessings and don’t eat the Feet Loaf.

Michael                                    Send comments to:

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