Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Blog #108

About twice a month, Carol goes out to dinner with the “Goils”.  At least that’s what she tells me.  Who knows?  She could be working an act with Stormy Daniels.  Or letting Joe Biden sniff her hair.  Or beating up Jussie Smollett.  Maybe she’s colluding with the Russians!  How would I know?  So that leaves me at home, lonely as a mermaid’s podiatrist.  Except, sometimes, it’s nice to be alone in the house, so when she is out, surreptitiously pursuing her nefarious activities, I order Chicken Egg Foo Yung.  No, that’s not a hit-man from the Taiwanese Mafia; that’s my dinner.  I pick it up, bring it home and enjoy a quiet dinner with no television or music.  When she comes home, she kisses me hello.  I like that, but lately I’ve begun to smell borsht and caviar on her breath. 

Maybe she’s running for President.  If she were President, I guarantee no Congressman would have a closet.  If she were President, the morning briefing would be about whether there’s a chance of rain.  If she were President, she’d get chauffeured everywhere and dropped off right at the front door.  Come to think of it, she doesn’t have to run; she gets all that now.

But why shouldn’t she run?  Everybody else is!  I think the Democratic Party has more candidates than they had Electoral Votes in the last election.  And you know what it all makes me think of?  Rock ‘n Roll!  If you like my occasional Rock ‘n Roll quiz, here’s another.  If you don’t, skip down to the “count your blessings” part.  Name the songs that include these political lyrics:

1.     It ain’t me.  It ain’t me.  I’m no Senator’s son
2.     I called my Congressman and he said, quote – “I’d like to help you, Son, but you’re too young to vote.
3.     In Birmingham they love the Governor.
4.     To voice their discontent unto the President about the burning question what has swept this continent.
5.     Sheriff John Brown always hated me.

Hi there and welcome back.  I hope you’re feeling well.  I had a physical this week.  Everything is fine, but they gave me a blood test.  I hate needles.  I hate needles worse than Mika Brzezinski hates Rush Limbaugh.  Later that same day, I got a shingles shot at my local pharmacy. Another needle, another hole punched in my body.  I felt like Fearless Fosdick.

Now, I know some of you may be too young or perhaps too forgetful to remember Fearless Fosdick, but when I thought of punching holes into my body, that’s the image that came to me.  Look it up on Google.  No?  Too lazy?  Ok, I’ll put a picture of him at the bottom.  Geesh, do I have to do everything?  I guess I do, but coming up with subjects to write about is made easier by the wacky world we live in.  All I have to do is look at the news.

In The News:  The President is threatening to close the southern border to discourage the influx of illegal immigrants.  I watched Lester Holt on NBC News.  Were they worried about the 100,000 illegal immigrants sneaking into this country each month?  Were they worried about the potential increase in drug smuggling, crime and disease?  Were they worried about the economic burden of a million impoverished people flooding the country each year?  Nope, all they talked about was that if Trump closed the border, we wouldn’t be able to get avocados and lemons and limes.  They even showed a Happy Hour party with guacamole and Margaritas.  Are you kidding me?  Avocados and limes?  That’s the crisis that’s worrying NBC?

Now Trump’s new Executive Order
Is closing the Mexican border
And that means hard times
Because without limes
Our Happy Hours soon will be shorter.

I have a political proposal to strengthen our Immigration Policy.  I think we should deport all Members of Congress to Venezuela.  They can’t screw up that country any worse than it already is, and it will certainly make our lives better.

In The News:  Usain Bolt’s world record for the 100-meter dash has been shattered.  Michael Avenatti saw a TV camera 100 meters away and got there in nine seconds flat.

In The News:  It appears that our country is lurching toward making marijuana legal everywhere.  Which means it won’t be long until all drugs will be legalized.  Soon, mothers will be feeding their toddlers a well-balanced breakfast consisting of Cocaine Puffs, and Pot-Tarts, while on the television, loopy little cartoon creatures named Smack, Crack and Pot will stagger around the screen encouraging you to buy their – well, they forgot.

Lunch will be Corned Beef Hashish with a Diet Cocaine.  And for dessert – a Pineapple Upper-Side-Downer Cake. 

In The News:  NASA was forced to cancel a planned two-woman space walk because they had only one spacesuit that would fit a woman.  Well, if that isn’t a slap at the Women’s Rights Movement!  Shame on NASA.  But I sense an opportunity and am looking into starting a line of spacesuits specifically for women.  We’ll call it Kate Space or Fruit of the Moon or something.

In The News:  The U.S. Women’s Chess Championship recently concluded in St. Louis.  Chess is a game of brains.  I understand that men are generally larger and stronger than women and gender-specific sporting competitions are appropriate.  But do women need a special event because they cannot compete with men in the brain department?  There’s no special Women’s Jeopardy or Women’s Bridge Championship or even a women’s-only space station.  So why a separate Women’s Chess Championship?  I guess I’ll just add that to my growing list of things I don’t understand, like why an audience would give Stevie Wonder a standing ovation.

These are the answers:
1.     Fortunate Son - Credence Clearwater Revival (1969)
2.     Summertime Blues – Eddie Cochran (1958)
3.     Sweet Home Alabama-Lynyrd Skynyrd (1973)
4.     Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavour-Lonnie Donegan (1959)
5.     I Shot the Sheriff-Bob Marley (1973), Eric Clapton (1974)

And this is the end.  Sorry if there were too many puns in this edition.  I just felt punny, I guess.  Stay well, count your blessings and don’t forget me when next Thursday comes around.  With the way things are going in this country, you’ll need a laugh.  See you then.

 Fearless Michael             Send comments to:
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