Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Blog #91

I have told you before that men and women are different.  You may have already known that.  Here’s another example.  Do you know how a man eats candy, like from a Russell Stover assortment box?  He picks out a piece, eats half of it and then, if he likes it, will eat the other half.  Even if he doesn’t like it, he more often than not will eat the other half.  A woman, on the other hand, uses her finger nail to gouge out a tiny chunk of chocolate from the bottom and looks inside.  If she likes what she has discovered, she will eat the candy.  If not, she replaces the piece in its little fluted-paper nest and moves on to the next.  Men, being by nature chivalric creatures, always allow the women to have their go at the box first.  That leaves us the sloppy seconds which consist of cracked and fingered chocolates with creams and jellies leaking out of holes in their bottoms.  You know I’m right.

My router stopped working.  Now I have suffered through episodes where my heart stopped working and episodes when my eyes stopped working, and believe me, those were only slightly more traumatic than the router.  I mean what are you supposed to do without Wi-Fi?  The human race was born, survived and evolved for 100,000 years without the Internet, but we have somehow arrived at a point in the history of our species where we can no longer exist without instantaneous access to everything.  Seriously!  How are we supposed to survive if we can’t go on Amazon and buy something we didn’t need and have it delivered two weeks before we didn’t need it?

After a period of weeping, I decided to act like an adult and call the Linksys customer service line.  I was put in a queue.  I hate being in a queue.  I hate even spelling a queue, but after 43 minutes I was connected with my friendly, local tech assistant who lives in Pakistan and speaks as if he had spoons in his mouth.  We talked for hours!

I thought that the tech was a shoo-in
To help me with what I was doin’
But first I got queued
And then I got screwed
And wasted my whole afternoo-in.

I absorbed that failure and did what any rational, intelligent, seasoned citizen should do.  I called my daughter Abby and begged her to fix it, which she did.  I guess I should have thought of that first, but I didn’t want to aggravate her with my time-consuming, childish problems.  But then I thought, Hey, I’m the guy who changed her diapers and told her stories and sang her songs (even at her wedding) and helped her with all her childhood problems. What goes around comes around; do unto others; cast your bread upon the waters, and all those other Golden Rulish phrases.  The least she can do is repay the effort.  Except the diaper thing. 

Hi there and welcome back.  Google tells me there are approximately 15 million Jews in the world, a number which coincides with the number of ways to spell Hanukkah.  So if you celebrate it, have a Happy.  I hope you are feeling well and making plans for enduring a long winter.

You know I have a bad back.  Every old man has a bad back.  Serves us right for standing up for ourselves!  Every once in a while, it flares up and I go to Dr. Back, and I present to him all the unscientific remedies my friends have recommended since my last visit.  They come in three categories:

·        Exercise:  Lie down, sit up, hang from a door, you name it.  Dr. Back says you can exercise all you want. The disks in your spine are bogus; exercise will do absolutely nothing to change that.
·        Diet:  Orange juice, painkillers, caffeine, pot.  Dr. B just laughs.
·        Creative:  Lie down on the floor, put live snails in your ears, have a yak step on your balls.  Pasadena!

I remember my last flare.  I was aching like a whore the day the fleet came in.  It was before my pacemaker, so I could still have an MRI.  I checked in at the hospital and they told me Joe would take me to the MRI room.  I looked where they were pointing and there was Joe, a volunteer only slightly younger than Stonehenge.  In my worst pain, wracked with spasms and passed out, I could walk faster than Joe.  I could crawl faster than Joe.  Mold could grow down the center of the hallway faster than Joe.  The Arctic Ice Sheet is melting faster than Joe.  I could not stop laughing.

I wonder what Carol would have done, Miss Inahurry of 2018.  Yes, the Princess of Lickety Split would probably have tripped the old coot, stepped on his back and found the damned thing herself.  And demanded an MRI machine near the window – and warm bread.  I love that woman!

This has been a bit of a bitchy letter.  I’ve already complained about my candy boxes, my router and my back. Well, as Roseanne Rosanna Danna said, “If it’s not one thing, it’s another.”  But, as long as I have you here, I have one more complaint.  I am suffering from Makeup Creep.  Do you know what that is?  Makeup Creep is the slight but inexorable encroachment of the woman’s paraphernalia onto the man’s side of the sink.  Now, I must admit that I have my own stuff -- lotions and potions, pills and creams, brushes and blades.  But I pretty much keep what is mine in the drawer and cabinet allotted to me.

But every week, little by little, the stuff that belongs to my wife, whom I lovingly call Estee – the brushes and files and bottles, the instruments whose usage I cannot fathom -- moves just a bit closer to my sink so that eventually there will be no room for my stuff or, for that matter, me.  The woman has more makeup than RuPaul! 

Are you fed up with my complaining?  I’ll stop.  Come back next week and I’ll complain some more.  You don’t want to miss it.  Until then, stay well, count your blessings and don’t let a yak step on your balls.

Michael                                    Send comments to:

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