Thursday, June 9, 2022


Blog #274                                June 9, 2022


Do you know the difference between someone who is weird and someone who is a hermit?  A hermit carries a sign around with him that says DO NOT DISTURB.  A weird person carries one that says ALREADY DISTURBED.  I try to carry one of each.  You can always find us weird guys at McDonald’s in the morning.  Here’s who I saw today.  These are real people.


·        Little Man:  He’s 4’6”, Hispanic, speaks no English, eats an Egg McMuffin.

·        Clean Man:  Wipes his table down with a pertinacious zeal that is mesmerizing, leaning over to get within an inch of little spots that he wipes aggressively with wet napkins.  He continues to find new spots as he eats his sandwich.

·        Loud Man:  Always at the same table with the same computer and the same headphones talking to someone in a loud voice as if he thought the rest of us couldn’t hear him.

·        Blog Man:  Reads his book, always has his Diet Coke, always does his Wordle, always looking at everybody else as if he were collecting stuff to write a blog about.


There are more.  None of us has ever said a word to the others.  Maybe a nod once in a while.  There are two aspects to being a hermit -- one, you want to be alone; two, who the hell wants to be with you anyway? 


Do you remember Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland?  Last week she celebrated 70 years of reign, and we here in the Colonies have just been going ape.  Kate is so this and Meghan is so that and the children are adorable and look at her dress and on and on and on.  Didn’t we fight a war to get rid of that family?  Haven’t we outgrown the adoration of foreign royalty? Didn’t we make George III the only white character in Hamilton to emphasize how much we hated him?  I don’t get it.  We don’t need royalty in this country.  We have Johnny Depp and Kim Kardashian.


I visited Dr. Retina this week – no shots; I’m cured.  On the plexiglass separating me from the receptionist was a sign informing us that anyone verbally or physically abusing an employee will be ejected and prosecuted.  I said to the receptionist, “Wow, this must be a tough job.  What’s that all about?”  People who don’t want to wear masks cause lots of trouble, she said.  Geesh, what a world!


And now we don’t even have enough lifeguards.  Honestly, this country is becoming more dysfunctional by the minute.  But I have a simple solution to the lifeguard problem: any immigrant who sneaks into the country by swimming across the Rio Grande should instantly be certified as a lifeguard and given a job.  What a spectacular example of the American Dream!


We’ll give you some shades and a Speedo

Some chips and a breakfast burrito

Won’t need a Green Card

When you’re a lifeguard

At a country club south of Toledo.


Hi there and welcome back.  I hope you’re feeling well and not feeling as depressed and disappointed as Amber Heard’s lawyers.  Here’s another thing I’m riled up about: Motel 41, Room 150 in Evansville, Indiana.  Do you remember the tall escaped convict and the little blond guard who recently helped him escape?  They were Casey White and Vicky White, and in their Bonnie and Clyde flight across America, they stayed at Motel 41, Room 150 in Evansville.  And now, believe it or not, that room is booked solid for months in advance by people just itching to revel in the aura of those disgusting examples of White trash (they were both named White; get it?)  I know we’re all trying to figure out how to red-flag potential killers.  I’d start with the guest list for that room.


Let’s shift to something fun and exciting, like baseball – the hitting, the running, the spitting.  What’s with the oral fixation of American baseball players?  And by American, I mean the Dominicans, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Venezuelans, Koreans and Japanese who make up most of the American National Pastime.  They spit, they chew, they expectorate.  They fill their mouths with nuts, gum, tobacco, candy and pebbles and constantly and noisily pollute the dugouts and the field with filth.  Am I over-reacting?  It’s disgusting.  Basketball players don’t spit.  Football players don’t spit.  Bowlers don’t spit.  Teachers don’t spit on the classroom floor.  My rabbi doesn’t spit.  Even the announcers are commenting on the action:  Yadier Molina just set the new record for spitting forty-two bags of polly seeds onto home plate during a nine-inning game.   It’s disgusting!  Did I say that already? 


Polly seeds, for those of you who are too young to remember Foghorn Leghorn, are what we used to call sunflower seeds.  Urban Dictionary, another electronic resource no human being can do without, suggests the name came from the fact that parrots eat sunflower seeds and all parrots are named Polly. 


I had a friend who bought a parrot.  On the first day, the bird said a dirty word and, as punishment, my friend stuck the bird in the freezer for twenty minutes.  When she took the bird out, it shivered uncontrollably and said, “I’m so sorry.  I’ll never say a bad word again.  But let me ask you something -- what did that poor chicken say?”


Message from Shakespeare: Foul words is but foul wind (Much Ado About Nothing).      I never say bad words, only meow and purr, so Pops will never punish me for that.  I do scratch his arm once in a while, but he loves me anyway.  What a pushover!  Purr.


Movie Review:  Top Gun – Maverick was good.  Not the greatest movie ever, but a rip-roarin’ action flick with a large and well-done performance by Tom Cruise.


Our Weekly Word today is pertinacious, which means holding tenaciously to a fixed purpose.  And my fixed purpose now is to make sure you stay well, count your blessings and come back next week.  There might be another parrot joke.




Another week without mentioning my wife, but I haven’t forgotten how much I love her.  Saturday is our 55th Wedding Anniversary.  If you’d like to send congratulatory wishes, please write them on the signature line of a deed to a 40-acre ranch in Napa Valley and forward an image to


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