Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Blog #89

Thanksgiving Day is a jewel to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude. – E.P. Powell

Happy Thanksgiving.  It’s my favorite day.  It’s my favorite food.  I have so much to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day.  There’s my wife (yes, I’ll say something nice about her: she’s special and wonderful and I adore her.  Please don’t tell her I said that). And there are my children, my grandchildren, my children-in-law, my friends.  I’m thankful for my health and I’m thankful for the opportunity to talk to you every week.  Count your blessings, everyone. 

Thanksgiving is also the official start of the Christmas Season, and many of your local radio stations are beginning to play Christmas songs 24/7.  I know there’s only so much Brenda Lee and Burl Ives you can take, but Christmas songs are generally pleasant and enjoyable.  Except Frosty the Snowman of course.  Poor Frosty has become a victim of the PC Police.  Just look at the words:

Frosty the Snowman:  The anthropomorphizing of inanimate objects disturbs a child’s ability to adjust to real-world situations.  No name. 
Was a jolly happy soul:  Frosty is fat.  To display him as jolly minimizes the dangers and misery of obesity.  And how can he possibly be happy when Trump is President?  No jolly.
With a corncob pipe:  A pipe?  We have enough evidence of the dangers of smoking that displaying a pipe to children is criminal.  No pipe!
And a button nose:  Most buttons are plastic and therefore not biodegradable.  No nose!
And two eyes made out of coal: Coal is a hydrocarbon and a major source of the contamination that leads to global warming.  I’m surprised that it’s actually cold enough to keep him from melting.  No eyes!

So that leaves just a blind, nameless, nose-less, smoke-free, unhappy Snowblob.  I liked him better as Frosty.  Too bad; it was a good song.  But there will still be plenty of old classics, like Al Gore singing Oh the weather outside is frightful and Maxine Waters singing You’re a mean one, Mr. Trump or Bob Woodward’s version of Do you hear what I hear.  And of course, the classic of Don Lemon singing I’m Dreaming of a White Man’s Christmas.  What a happy season it is!  Oh Tidings of Whoopi and Joy, Whoopi and Joy!

Hi there.  Are you mad at me yet?  Once in a while, people are angered by some of the things I say.  That’s ok, actually.  You wouldn’t want to listen to some namby-pamby loser who has no opinion and does everything his wife says and let’s her pick out his clothes and goes to McDonald’s every morning and reads Moby Dick, would you?  Welcome back.  Hope you are feeling fine this Thanksgiving morning.

And even though it’s Thanksgiving, I’m a little aggravated.  I have learned that an ex-NFL football player was released from prison after serving 18 years for hiring two hit-men to kill his pregnant girlfriend, which they managed to do.  I live here; my wife and children and grandchildren live here.  I don’t care about this murderer.  I don’t care about his rights; I don’t care if he has family or friends or shingles or fleas.  He is dangerous to me and my family and to everyone else in the world.  Why is he free?  The governments of the United States and the several states have a specific and solemn duty to protect me.  Me!!!  Not this cold and evil murderer.

On a lighter note, we recently attended a show at the Jewish Community Center which began with the obligatory fundraising raffle.  I listened to them announcing the winners: The winner of the wine tasting party is #488107.  The winner of the free bris is #488229.

A free bris?  For those of you who do not know what a bris is, you’re extremely fortunate.  A bris is a circumcision ceremony performed on a new-born male.  But there were no new-borns in the audience, and #488229 turned out to be an old man.  When he was handed the certificate for the free bris, he claimed he had already had a bris 85 years ago.  Not to worry, said the host, we’ll just take off a little bit more.

At your age you surely won’t miss
The part we cut off at the bris
Because, truth be told,
You’ve gotten so old
Your thing only works when you piss.

Now there you go getting mad at me again, but the story about the free bris is mostly true.  I just took it my hands and massaged it a little.  Wait, that might have been a poor choice of words.

Last week I told you about phoning a friend who, surprisingly, was in Romania.  I thought that was exotic.  A few days later I got a message.  Each week I get comments from loyal or casual or new readers of Limerick Oyster.  I love getting your comments.  This message was from a loyal reader who informed me that he was reading my blog as he ate breakfast in Hong Kong.  Wow, my readers are all over the world – Romania, Hong Kong, Florida, California.  I’m in my study.

In this week’s news:  On Tuesday, a large Venezuelan Bronze-Winged Parrot, traveling with the Central American Caravan, flew over the border fence separating Tijuana from Greater San Diego.  Since it had no criminal record and could speak perfect English, the parrot was immediately granted asylum by the United States Border Patrol.  On Wednesday, President Trump named the bird Secretary of Homeland Security.   

Did you know that in Maryland you need a license to be a fortune teller?  It’s true.  First you have to take a test that checks your ability to predict what will happen in the upcoming week.  If you pass, you get a Fortune-Tellers’ license.  If you fail you become a meteorologist.  Here’s my forecast for next week: you’ll come back to read the next episode of Limerick Oyster.  I’ll be waiting for you.  Till then, stay well and count all your blessings – twice.  Remember, it’s Thanksgiving.

Michael                                    Send comments to:

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