Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Blog #30

See you next week.  Stay well.  Wait, that’s what I say at the end of the blog, not the beginning.  I’m so confused.  I’m turned upside down, and it’s all because of my grocery store.  I always go in the entrance on the right, near the produce.  I start at bananas and end with bread and that’s the way it’s been for thousands of years.  It all started because that’s the way King Tut shopped 3,350 years ago at the local Yummy Mummy.  Well, Mrs. Tut probably did the shopping.  Her name was Ankhesenamun.  He called her Cupcake.  Anyway, Ankhe would start with bananas and work her way right to left and we’ve all been doing that for millennia.  But today they were doing some construction and the right-side entrance was closed.  I had to enter on the left side.  Well, you can imagine my disorientation.  I felt like an American trying to drive in London.  I felt like a breech baby.  I felt like the world was a tuxedo and I was a pair of brown shoes.  (Thank you, George Gobel.)  So, did I adapt?  Did I improvise?  Did I overcome?  No, I walked like an Egyptian down the length of the store and started at bananas.  You would have done the same.

Hi there and welcome back.  I hope you’re happy and well.  Let’s get started.  What is all this hullaballoo about Russia?  Who cares what they hacked into?  And who cares if X, Y and Z colluded with Й, Щ and Э?  I don’t get it.  I’ve been to Russia and they have nothing to offer but a bunch of palaces built by cruel and horrible despots who killed their own people and stole all their money.  As I left Russia, I turned around, looked at their sterile, ugly and decrepit apartment blocks and their sullen, overdressed and impolite border officials and told them how I felt.

I’ve read about all of your Czars
I’ve tasted your strange caviars
I’ve taken your tours
And I’ve seen what is yours
And I really prefer what is ours.

Take that, Vladimir!

Yesterday I woke up feeling crummy (or is it crumby?).  The only reason I didn’t go to a doctor is that I didn’t know which one to go to.  Everything hurt – my back, my stomach, my side, my heart, my lungs, my ankle, my fingernails.  I was going to go to Dr. Primary and tell him I had dizziness, weakness, shortness of breath, chest pains, back pains, side pains and I needed a haircut – but the man is only a doctor, not a prophet.  So I figured I’d wait until my variety of symptoms localized itself a bit, but today I woke up feeling better.  How about that?  Because I was patient, I wasn’t a patient.

I get a physical exam every year with Dr. Primary, and of course they take my blood pressure. Wouldn’t it be great if Carol and I could just average our blood pressure?  Can you guess which one of us has high versus low pressure?  Isn’t it obvious?  Carol runs on so much energy, we used to call her Ethel, and I am so passive that last week I was reading at the library and somebody put lilies in my lap.  After the blood pressure, the nurse always gives me some kind of cognitive test.  What day is it?  Who’s the President?  Who’s your Daddy?  Who’s the leader of the club that’s made for you and me?  Then she asks me to write any sentence, and I always write, “I hate needles!”  Then she asks me to memorize three words.  The first time she did that, the words were – apple, penny, table.  Ok, I passed.  A year later I was back and she was back and the questions were the same.  When she said, “I have three words for you to memorize, I immediately said, “You mean apple, penny, table?”  She looked at me, then looked at her paper and said, “I guess you pass.”  I’ve been wondering a little about your cognitive ability, so I want you to remember Apple-Penny-Table.  Can you do it?  I’ll ask you again next week.

And speaking of cognitive tests, can you say 60 words in 60 seconds without ever repeating a word twice or using a word that has the letter “a”?  Ready? Go!

Hurricane Irma was disastrous, and I hope you and all the people you know came through it unharmed.  It was horrible, treacherous and exhausting – and so was the CNN coverage.  For days we heard every news-anchor screaming: “Leave Florida, get away, don’t play games – this is the worst storm ever in the history of the Earth and you will die.  Do not go outside, you will die.  Do not open a window, you will die.  Anyone who goes outside is stupid, crazy and suicidal.  Now to Chris Cuomo who is standing in the middle of the street with 200 mph winds hurling tree trunks at his face.  Chris, how’s it going out there?” 

The Zoo has a new attraction that is exotic, attractive, harmless-looking and instantly poisonous.  No, it’s not a venomous desert scorpion from the Insectarium or an African black mamba from the Herpetarium.  It’s much more sinister and deadly:  a Deep-Fried Twinkie Sundae.  Why don’t they just have a booth with a sign that says:  For $4.95, we will shoot you.  A lady came in today with a child in a wheelchair.  She asked me, “Is there a particular day that the Zoo has for special-needs children.”  “Every day,” I replied.  “We have many special-needs people every day, and everyone is accommodating.  I’m sure there will not be a problem.”  We do have many, many special-needs of all ages every day at the Zoo.  I have never seen a problem or any response that was anything other than helpful.  It’s kind of a nice place.

We have two sinks in our bathroom, and when we moved in, after some weeks of intensive study and energetic debate, we decided that Carol should have one and I should have one.  Each is of pearly white porcelain.  I have noticed however that mine is sometimes marked with little black pieces of something or other.  Here’s what I think is the cause.  Carol likes her sink to be clean, so whenever she has to use eye-liner or eye-shadow or whatever eye-schmutz she uses, she moves over to my sink and gets it dirty instead of hers.  Her sink is as white and brilliant as Beyoncé’s teeth, whereas mine looks like the nesting place of a family of Canadian geese.   It’s fine; her eyes look great.

Ok, the sixty words in sixty seconds – just count from one to sixty.  Each word is different and none contains an “a”.  That’s about it for this week.  Stay well and stay away from the Deep-Fried Twinkie Sundae.  And keep your sink clean.  See you next week.

Michael                                    Send comments to:

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