Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Blog #106

O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind? – Percy Bysshe Shelley.

Percy certainly had it right.  Spring is here – blossoms, warm showers, longer days, protests.  Students around the world skip school to demand action on climate change.  That was the headline last Friday.  Am I missing something?  When did we decide that we should encourage 13-year-olds to take over the world?  Think about that.  Teenagers?  Vaping, drugs, sexting, twitter, messy rooms, rings in their eyebrows?  We want them making decisions for the planet?  They can’t even find two socks that match.

When I was thirteen, sixty years ago, my mission was to realize how much I did not know and to do my best to learn some of it so that, when I grew up, I could earn a living and raise a new generation.  Now, it seems to me, children are taught that they can do anything they want, be anything they can be and that it’s ok to spend their lives sitting in a puddle, painting eggshells while other people, people who work, pay for their food and internet access. 

And what sort of parents allow, even encourage, their teens to skip school, march with profane signs and get arrested?  The people who should be out there marching and carrying signs are us old folks.  Signs like GREY IS BEAUTIFUL, OLD LIVES MATTER, GREY IS THE NEW BLACK, or my favorite:


Hi there and welcome back.  I hope you’re feeling chipper now that Spring is here.  Have you filled out your bracket yet?  I have two teams to root for.  My oldest daughter is a Duke alumna and I graduated from St. Louis University Law School.  I’ve got my sweatshirts and pennants and I’m ready to go. 

Whenever I do a routine cleaning with Dr. Tooth, I’m forced to lie there for an hour with my eyes closed without talking.  You’ve all done it.  What do you do to pass the time?  Figure out how big the bribe will be to get your grandkid into Yale?   Well, here’s what I did in an effort to exercise my memory and make the time pass.  I recited The Raven in my mind.  That took about ten minutes, but I can’t expect you to do that.  I mean, what lunatic fool would memorize 108 lines about a ghastly, grim and ancient bird who could only say one archaic word?  Then I did the parts of The Highwayman that I know.  Then I went through the ages and birth dates of everyone in my family.  Then I mentally created this paragraph so that I could share it with you.  Sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have.

Breaking News:  Felicity Huffman has pleaded guilty and was sentenced to Community Service.  She immediately paid someone $50,000 to do it for her.  Yes, money talks, doesn’t it?  It’s a shame all mine ever said was “Good-bye”.

I just bought Lucy a birthday present.  Lucy is Grandchild #8, lives in California and will be 6.   Did I go to three toy stores, walk up and down the aisles, choose something and take out my credit card, schlep the package home, wrap it up, attach an address label, drive to the post office, wait in line and pay $20 to ship it to California?  No, I pushed 17 buttons with my formerly nicotine-stained fingers and it was done.  Five minutes, free shipping.  And that’s why TOYS Я GONE.

I’m here to fill any request
So a limerick?  I’ll do my best
But I’m just a tin can
Not a clever old man
So don’t be surprised if the last line is too long and doesn’t rhyme.

I guess my writing job is safe.  In fact, I think I’m pretty good at writing.  You’ve put up with me for more than 100,000 words already, so you must agree.  But words have suddenly escaped me.  I went to get my cable bill adjusted.  Where to start?  I just wanted to cancel my land line.  Who needs a land line?  The calls are all to sell me hearing aids or convince me to donate to the Boeing Go-Fund-Me Page.  So I wanted to eliminate the line and to get rid of HBO and Showtime, which I can get on Netflix.  Simple, right?  Arranging lunch with Kim Jong Un is simpler!  First of all, new customers get a $25 discount on this and a $15 discount on that, but loyal customers who have been with the company for twenty years get treated like a urine sample.  And then there’s the business practice invented by cable companies that says, “If you add a service, it costs you more, but if you delete a service, it costs you more.”  Because I was on a PLAN.  Did I wake up in a Lewis Carroll novel?  I told the Jabberwocky waiting on us that I was going to cancel all service.  He said that was fine, but it wouldn’t reduce my bill.  Because I was on a PLAN.  I was about to tell the Marquis De Sade into what dark realm he could shove his plan when my better half (actually my better four fifths) stepped in and saved me from committing a felony.  Although I’m not sure strangling a cable company employee is a crime.  Maybe Assault with a Deadly Clicker.  Hmm, seems I wasn’t at a loss for words after all. 

I have to go now – I’m on a PLAN.  Can you live without me for a whole week?  I knew you could.  So stay well and count your blessings.  I’ll be back before you know it.

Michael                                    Send comments to:

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